Owner Membership



Would you like to own a share of Cool Carrot Auction Platform?

This is a Rare Opportunity.

Not To Be Missed!


How can an auction site such as Cool Carrot hope to compete with an established giant such as eBay?


In numbers! The Cool Carrot concept is completely self fulfilling it comes together just by participation. With enough supporting members Cool Carrot will have the numbers required to make for an initial marketplace, a site online shoppers would consider worth visiting & a marketplace sellers will use to sell their products!

In 2021 eBay generated profits of $13.6 billion with over 120 million active users eBay is the second-largest market is the United Kingdom, with revenues over 3 billion last year.

As a community of members and by working together in the interest of all members we can make this happen, with many hands onboard it's completely self fulfilling & an awesome interesting investment opportunity!

A few easy steps and your in!

Step 1. Purchase your Cool Carrot profit sharing owner membership here or sign up for our affiliate scheme and generate the funds to buy you owner membership by introducing others who in turn purchase owner membership, we offer a generous affiliate scheme that pays you to share!

Step 2. Create one or more listings on Cool Carrot Auction.  You will list for FREE using your owner member credit of £11.11 to use to pay any listing fee's! 

Step 3.  Spread the word! Remember you increase your return by informing others!  The more users joining Cool Carrot the greater the owner member returns to you by way of  owner member payouts.

"A fantastic investment all for less than the price of a take away meal, a packet of cigarettes, or perhaps a couple of drinks at a bar!"

So what do you get for your investment?

1: When you join the Cool Carrot Auction platform you will receive a Cool Carrot Account credit of £11.11 for use against any listing fees on the Cool Carrot Auction platform to which you would be owner member.

2:  Your Cool Carrot owner membership certificate entitles you/the holder to a share of Cool Carrot Auction profits for as long as you retain ownership.  Cool Carrot share of profits is paid to whomever is registered as the "owner member" and paid in to the bank account or Paypal account that you provide.

3. Cool Carrot Auction certificates can be sold, traded or gifted meaning as the Cool Carrot Auction grows & membership increases then so does the resale value of your CCC Cool Carrot Credits, you receive 1 CCC you may purchase as many CCC owner memberships as you require each will have its own certificate number & pay its own share of profits in to the owner members specified payment account.

* Want to take part but lack the funds to invest, no problem!  Join our affiliate program and earn £1.11 per sales referral, you will be issued a unique URL link that you can then circulate, anyone taking up membership within 30 days of clicking your link will pay direct to your affiliate account, you can withdraw your earnings or use them in full or part payment of owner membership/s. 

You can be a part of this exciting opportunity now for just £11.11!

Get your Owner Membership Now *Subject to availability!